Forward Rabun Strategic Plan
Growth will either happen to us or for us

What kind of growth and development do you want for Rabun County? Do you want better economic opportunities for our residents now and in the future? Development pressures for our limited land and resources are increasing and we must work to create good economic opportunities for all residents while protecting our heritage, natural resources, and scenic beauty.
Forward Rabun, a public-private partnership, is undertaking a strategic plan for community and economic development to help ensure that growth happens “for” us and not “to” us. To help ensure that everyone has a voice in the process, Forward Rabun will sponsor town hall meetings, focus groups, surveys, and interviews to obtain broad input from Rabun County residents.
Step 1
Listen to community feedback
Step 2
Collaborating to build a Vision for Rabun County
Step 3
Develop a Relevant, Strategic Plan for Rabun County’s Economic Development

Rabun County is a special place. Visitors from far and wide are attracted to its scenic landscape of mountains and lakes, as are retirees and vacation homeowners. But Rabun County is much more than just a tourist destination – it is a place rich in history and community ties where a variety of industries have flourished.
However, Rabun County is at an economic crossroads. Tourism, construction, and related industries are still strong components of the local economy, but traditional “middle class” manufacturing jobs have declined. While there is growth in new industries, the economic future is still unclear, and the County faces increasing development pressures competing for its limited land.
Just as businesses, families, and individuals can plan their futures, so can communities. It starts with a vision – what should the community “look like” five, ten, twenty, or more years down the road? What kind of growth do county residents want to support good jobs and quality of life? Individual opinions vary, but a vision based on common values can be created to guide future economic development policies and programs.
The strategic plan will address the following:
- Current status of Rabun County
- Assets to build on and liabilities to address
- Vision for the future
- How to attain our vision
- Enhance economic opportunity while protecting our natural resources and scenic beauty
The strategic plan will assess the current economic situation and recent trends in the County, develop a vision based on public input, and establish goals, objectives and action steps to help ensure that future growth supports the vision. To be completed by Fall 2022, the Forward Rabun staff will undertake the strategic plan in conjunction with Tucson Atlantic and Rock Paper Scissors, two leading economic development and marketing consulting firms.